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Welcome to the Gallery

Below, I've compiled a collection of creations, from my brain to your screen, this seems to be the best way to communicate my ideas, I've found, as telepathy is a tricky art.

Some of the images are those which have been commissioned but my preferred themes are what I'd call 'fantastical wildlife'. I've been fed a variety of film & literature with these themes for as long as I remember & the natural world will forever be my soul-mate.

Most images begin life as a pencil drawing progressing to digital rendering with either Photoshop, Painter or ArtRage. There's a charm still to traditional

arts & I still love Prismacolour pencils on some good textured paper!

If you're interested in this, do check image descriptions & I'll endeavour

to be more specific...

Check out that scroll over there, give it a click...

Contact me via the scroll's form if you want me to do some work for you!

There's also links to my social sites which sometimes contain

snippets of work... & things completely unrelated to work

but still hold some creative merit!

Explore, share, like & love - my gratitude is endless :)

header art.gif
Tiger Warrior

Tiger Warrior

Character (private commission) - Pencil sketch coloured with ArtRage watercolour tool

Found You

Found You

Prismacolor pencils on pastel paper with contrast tweaks in Photoshop

Rhino Mage

Rhino Mage

Character design, pencil sketch coloured in Photoshop CS5.1



Project piece, indian ink on Bristol board - aim was to illustrate an idea for Tom Waites' song "What's he doing in there"



Photoshop CS5.1

His Cremation

His Cremation

From the novel/personal work - Painter 12



Character interpretation from the game 'Dragon Warrior Monsters' - Photoshop CS5.1

Timid, boy?

Timid, boy?

Concept - pencil sketch coloured with Painter 12



Commissioned piece, pencil sketch & Photoshop CS5.1



Commissioned piece, ocelot sketched then coloured in Photoshop CS5.1



Commissioned piece - character is Prismacolor pencils on dark pastel paper with background elements added in Photoshop

Kangaroo Librarian

Kangaroo Librarian

Character design - Pencil on recycled paper



An actual bookmark! Prismacolour on Bristol board & topped by fixing spray

Bear Portrait

Bear Portrait

Started as a basic tattoo lineart, then just had to colour it... Painter12

Character Concept - D'Lareme

Character Concept - D'Lareme

Design for fantasy canine sub-species - pencil sketch & flat colour in Photoshop to get a basic pallette

Ritual v2

Ritual v2

2nd of a private commission - Prismacolour pencils on pastel paper



Minimalist/graphic piece/speedpaint done in Painter 12 whilst listening to 'Ding' by Seeed. You're not ready for the music video...

Streptocarpus Flower

Streptocarpus Flower

Birthday gift piece for the mother - Prismacolour pencils on pastel paper

New Birth

New Birth

Commissioned piece for in a new baby's room, name banner along the top has been omitted for privacy - watercolour over a pencil sketch on hot press paper

Rainbow Pony

Rainbow Pony

ACEO (collectible art card) 2.5" x 3.5" - Biro & watercolours

Goat Gruff

Goat Gruff

ACEO (collectible art card) 2.5" x 3.5" - Prismacolour pencils on Bristol board

Air Lion

Air Lion

ACEO (collectible art card) 2.5" x 3.5" - Prismacolour pencils on Bristol board, the original also has rhinestones ;)



Winter greetings card design feat. long-tailed tit - Pencil sketch on recycled paper, colour added in Painter 12 with watercolour & 'salt' tools

Brd 2

Brd 2

Winter greetings card design feat. long-tailed tit - Pencil sketch on recycled paper, colour added in Painter 12 with watercolour & 'salt' tools

Save the Serengeti

Save the Serengeti

Satirical personal piece whilst this plight was in the media - Pencil sketch & quick Photoshop colour

Bear help

Bear help

Another vaguely 'comic' style personal piece regarding bear trapping - Pencil sketch on recycled paper briskly coloured with Photoshop

Bubble Bun

Bubble Bun

Personal pic/love for bunnies & also as a test piece for targeted Facebook ads - space at top for customisations such as Wine Wednesday, Thirsty Thursday etc. - Pencil sketch & Painter 12



Personal piece done to music by the same title (by Skrillex) as needing some practical fractal use - Apophysis & Painter 12



Another experiment with fractals & musical inspiration - Apophysis & Painter 12



Commission for Erisian Entertainment - one of a few character/race concepts; the Valukan are plant-based if I remember correctly - Pencil sketch later coloured with Painter 12

Pet Portrait - Rose

Pet Portrait - Rose

Commission - Prismacolor pencils & pastel paper



Pet portrait (gift) - took own reference photo while at the beach! Prismacolour on pastel paper, as ever :)

Pet Portrait - Pip

Pet Portrait - Pip

Commission - Prismacolor pencils & pastel paper



Commission - 8 separate images to be printed onto flags/banners as party guest gifts.

Gallery & drawn content © Hayley "Faelourn" Millward

hello @

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